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The following is the announcement of the 2nd Judiciary in 2021. Please download the document below., Surabaya-Faculty of Economics and Business Unesa through its new study program, the Digital Business Study Program, held a webinar event and this opportuni Himpunan Students of the Department of Economics FEB Unesa successfully held a webinar international on Sunday, July 11, 2021. Einstein's Activities (Economic Innovation on Scientific Competition) which is regularly held annually
Assalamualaikum wr.wb Good afternoon, Next We convey the rules of the Visiting Lecturer participants on Wednesday, 2 June 2021 at 07.30 WIB: 1. Participants: Students of the Department of Economic Education, Batch 2018 & 2019. Participant, Surabaya - Thursday (27/5/2021) The Covid-19 pandemic, which has not ended, means policy Social Distancing is still being implemented. This does not prevent
The entire academic community of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Unesa congratulates the celebration of Vesak Day. Hopefully this moment will bring goodness and strengthen the sense of brotherhood between people .____________________